11/2021- A Better Programmer

He Lin
2 min readNov 30, 2021
Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

Table of Contents

  • The Pragmatic Programmer
  • GCPBoleh
  • Chipta Hackathon

The Pragmatic Programmer

It’s been 4 months into my internship. With so many requirements and expectations on my output, I was overwhelmed. It always feels suck when you keep underperforming and can’t live up to expectations after a few years in a field, in my case, computer science.

Since I have no mentor and my friends may not have the experience to teach me what to do with these frustrations as a novice programmer, I started to read a book called “The Pragmatic Programmer”.

It introduces me to generic concepts about things happen all the time around a programmer and techniques to handle them.

For example, from the section “Software Entropy”, the author Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas request, we as pragmatic programmers, watch out for “broken window” in software.

It was justified that a clean, beautiful building will turn into a “rotting hulks” just by one trigger — a broken window.

So if there’s somewhere not right about the code, we should pay the technical debt instead of letting the snowball rolls until it’s out of control.

Strongly suggest the book to you if you’re a programmer who suffers from low performance. If you’re confident with your skills as a programmer, you may read it to get some insights too!


This month, I managed to complete 6 quests under the Google Cloud GCP Boleh event. I believe it helped me to get familiar with controlling the dashboard and console to set up any cloud projects.

Chipta Hackathon

Another good news is my friends and I won the Chipta Hackathon as the first runner-up. Thanks to Yong Ming and Wei Jing, they are really strong teammates.

  • Takeaway: Mobile App Development, Figma, Strategy selection of the topic (SOP)
  • Hardship: The topic selected may not suit the situation

